Saturday, November 21, 2009


I honestly don't know how I would handle that type of death... I wish I could do something for her... Anything.
I love you so much Tuts, and I don't ever want you to forget it. You have so much strength. I'm so proud of you.
My mother and I have never be that close, something that I've always lusted for.
Imagine to my surprise my Tuts and Wanda, mother and daughter more like sisters, more like best friends.
She's watching over you love. She is.
wanda cordero
Wanda was always full of life, always making wise cracks, always a joy to be around.
She will truly be missed.
What you don't know Tuts, is that she lives in your spirit now, well she always has. She's your mother, we always live through our mothers, despite all the differeneces and arguements that we may have... Mothers will always be our mothers, and we only get one.
At the viweing yesterday, it was so hard to sit through, Me, personally I'm not the greatest fan of death, but in the other hand, who is.
Sitting there, at the same funeral home that Luis "Noms" Seda was viewed, memories rushed back of how flooded that funeral home was. Tears accumulated at the inner corners of my eyes. Wanda, Luis, my grandfather Ernesto, family friend Willis, death in general.
Death has not been so friendly to me, well not me exactly..... but to loved ones.
I don't want to see ya go.


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Driving By The Flame said...

thanks minx that means alot to me so sad i miss my moms so much

Minx said...

I knnow you do hun, just know shes, watchin over you, and she loves you very much.
love you.

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